Friday, September 14, 2007

Week Nine/Lesson #18: Video - Discover YouTube

Okay, I must admit that I LOVE YouTube. Personally, much of my YouTube viewing is musical in nature. YouTube is a great place to find videos, live recordings, etc... of bands you like. It is especially useful if you happen to enjoy musical artists from other countries who are not yet "released" in the US.

I'm not sure how libraries could use YouTube...maybe for advertising/marketing the library and its services? Since I was a bit stuck on this, I decided to look for libraries on YouTube. The first video I stumbled across was actually developed by students in a library science marketing class University of Pittsburgh ( From there, I found several "I love my Library" themed videos (it seems that there was some sort of contest), which do end up serving as advertisements:
Now, for the optional embedding...enjoy!:

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