Friday, September 14, 2007

Week 10/Play Week 2/Lesson #20: Mashups

Discovery Exercise #1:

On my first visit to Mashup Directory, what do I find on the very first page? SkateSpotter, a mashup that allows users to search, rate, and discuss skate spots, parks, and shops and identify the locations of these spots using Google Maps. You can also upload, view, and rate videos. JN may like ;)!

I know that many of these mashups can be fun, but I wanted to find some library/education type mashups. So, I dug around a bit and found Boulder Library with Amazon Reviews , which should have allowed me to view/access customer reviews and editorials within the online card catalog of the Boulder, Colorado public library, won't load. Sounds interesting...oh, well.

When that didn't work quite as well as I would have liked, I returned to my search and found E41ST. This mashup -- named after New York's East 41st Street, Library Way -- "provides an integrated interface for browsing at Amazon, and looking up at your public library." It is an interesting little mashup. If you would like to try it, you can either sign up for an account or give it a test run by using the guest login.

E41ST allows you to keyword search or browse categories/genres for books in Amazon, and see book covers, customer comments, reviews, etc... If you find a book you are interested in, you can either search Amazon to purchase or to search your library. If you create an account, you can select primary and secondary libraries from a list of available libraries. The mashup will search for books in your primary library's online catalog first; if the book does not appear to be available at your primary library, your secondary library catalog will be searched. As of 09/17/2007, there were no Kentucky libraries on the list of available libraries, but the creator is always accepting new additions. You can request your own favorite/local library be added to the list of supported libraries, but there are some restrictions/requirements.

This mashup also allows you to add items to a bookshelf that you can then make accessible on from web page or blog.

As for the Ten Best Flickr Mashups....

Flickr Retrievr: Fun, but how is it retrieving? Is it really based on my sketch, or is it just random?

Spell with Flickr: does look shockingly similar to a ransom note...


Fastr is fun. It also kind of provides an interesting example of uncontrolled vocabulary/ answer to one of my 'games' was "throw"...I guessed "toss." Same idea, different words.

Flickrball gave me broken images, but seemed like fun from the description...I'll definitely try it out later.

Not touching Flickr Sudoku.

Discovery Exercise #2:

As for educational value or merit: I am sure there are countless ways that even the "fun" applications could be used in an educational just have to match the right setting/assignment to the right mashup.

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